Get a more radiant, brighter complexion

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Dermaplaning is a type of manual exfoliation like a face scrub. However, unlike a scrub, it doesn’t irritate or cause micro-abrasions in the skin, so it won’t cause hyperpigmentation. 

It can be used on the forehead, cheeks, chin, nose, and neck, revealing bright and smooth skin underneath. Dermaplaning triggers cell regeneration, which can help alleviate skin concerns such as rough texture, dark spots, acne scarring and fine facial hair. 


Dermaplaning is the process of taking a sterile surgical scalpel blade to the skin of the face to exfoliate. It removes dead skin cells and unwanted vellus hair (aka “peach fuzz”). The idea of a sharp tool on your skin might sound a bit scary, but Heather is very skilled and has done hundreds of dermaplaning procedures. 

The procedure is not painful and the fuzz doesn’t come back thicker or darker. It is also perfectly safe for people with darker skin types. It’s actually a preferred exfoliation method for darker skin because it instantly removes the dark baby hair that can make the skin look duller than it really is. 


The result of dermaplaning is a more radiant, brighter, smoother textured complexion.

This technique leaves the skin smoother and allows for better penetration of skin products. Dermaplaning is also used as a pre-treatment before a more aggressive procedure such as a chemical peel, microdermabrasion, microneedling and even laser. There is typically no down time with dermaplaning, and it can be performed on all skin types except when inflammatory acne is present. However, you should be sure to use protective sunscreen following treatments. This is a great treatment if you are pregnant or nursing and want exfoliation without the risk of harsh chemicals being absorbed into the bloodstream. People with extremely sensitive skin, such as those with rosacea or an active acne breakout, might not be ideal candidates for this treatment.


$75 per treatment

Dermaplaning is simple, easy and painless. Give Heather at Radiant Skin RN a call or email her to see if this non-invasive method of exfoliation is right for you.